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Honey Simple Syrup

Honey Simple Syrup will be a game changer for your mocktails, cocktails, or anything you would need a simple syrup for!


Typically, you would use equal parts water to honey, but I’m opting to use 4 1/2 cups honey to 3 1/2 cups water.


    **DO NOT BOIL**Honestly, you could probably just use very warm water with the honey and stir it together. If you opt to put this on the stove in a sauce pan, put it over very low heat and it should be dissolved before it’s even lukewarm. Ready in less than five minutes!Store in an airtight container. Shelf stable for well over one month! (If it lasts that long)I use this in my “Elixir of Life” ginger drink and it's amazing! Stay tuned for that!