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Meatloaf Recipe


1 cup Whole Milk

6 slices White Bread

2 pounds Ground Beef, 80% lean

1 cup Parmesan Cheese, freshly grated

1/4 teaspoon Seasoned Salt I LOVE Kinders

3/4 teaspoons Salt

Freshly Ground Black Pepper

1/3 cup fresh Parsley, minced

4 whole Eggs, Beaten

12 slices Thin cut Bacon or 1 cup prepared bacon bits


1+1/2 cups Ketchup

1/3 cup Brown Sugar

1 teaspoon Mustard

1 dash Saracha sauce

4-5 hits of liquid smoke


    Tear bread into a bowl and soak in milk for 20 minutes. Then, combine beef, cheese, season salt, salt, pepper, parsley, and eggs together. Top with bacon or bacon bits. Mix up sauce and spread over top of bacon.

    Bake at 350 for 45 minutes and ENJOY!

    #meatloaf #pioneerwoman #familymeals